Dr. Jason Finch


As an ophthalmologist i'm an expert in the diseases, functions and anatomy of the eye. i also provide routine care such as vision testing and prescribe and fit eyeglasses or contact lenses, Also a surgeon who repair traumatic injuries to the eye and perform cataract and corneal surgery.

Personal Information


Eye Surgeon
Medical Practioner

About Dr. Jason Finch

Dr. Jason Finch was born in Michigan and educated at Trinity School. He graduated from Duke University in 1985. Shortly after graduation he was one of 3 new graduates to be accepted into a medical student intern and registrar program at the newly opened Duke University Hospital, Durham, North Carolina. During his 3 years at Hospital, Dr. Jason Finch was able to gain invaluable experience.

Dr. Jason Finch is a world renowned and award winning medical practitioner who graduated from the prestigious Duke University School of Medicine in (country/town). Since graduating, Dr. Jason Finch has been committed to full time medical practice and has gained over two decades of experience as a medical consultant and specialized in ophthalmology

About My Job

As an ophthalmologist surgeon,I specialize in the diseases, functions and anatomy of the eye. I also provide routine checks, such as vision testing, prescription and fit for eye glasses and or contact lenses if need be. I’m also a surgeon who specializes in traumatic eye injuries; especially cataract and corneal surgeries.

Educational Background

  • University of Alabama School of Medicine
    • BSc. Department of Medicine.
  • Stanford University School of Medicine
    • BSc. Department of Ophthalmology..
  • University of Michigan Medical Center
    • Asst. Medical Practioner
  • Columbia University
    • Cert. Department of Ophthalmology.
  • Duke University
    • Msc. Ophthalmologist

Job & Experience

  • Bascom Palmer Eye Institute-University of Miami, Miami.
    • Eye Surgeon
    • Asst. Lab Director
  • Wills Eye Hospital, Thomas Jefferson University Hospital, Philadelphia.
    • Eye Surgeon
  • Wilmer Eye Institute, Johns Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore.
    • Eye Surgeon
  • Stein and Doheny Eye Institutes, UCLA Medical Center, Los Angeles.
    • Eye Surgeon
    • Medical Practioner
  • Duke University Hospital, Durham, North Carolina.
    • Medical Practioner
  • University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics, Iowa City, Iowa.
    • Medical Practioner
  • Kellogg Eye Center-Michigan Medicine, Ann Arbor, Michigan.
    • Eye Surgeon
  • Cole Eye Institute, Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland.
    • Eye Surgeon
  • UCSF Medical Center, San Francisco.
    • Medical Practioner

Awards & Achievements

  • United Nations Outstanding Humanitarian Service Award (2012)

    Recognizes the contributions of Dr. Jason Finch in selflessly providing medical eye care.

  • Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) International Blindness Prevention Award (2014)

    Honors Dr. Jason Finch for his significant contributions to the prevention of blindness or restoration of sight worldwide.

  • AAO Achievement Award (2015-2018)

    Recognizes Dr. Jason Finch for participating in Academy activities including the scientific programs at AAO and more than 25 other categories of contribution to the Academy.

  • AAO Senior Achievement Award 2017-2018)

    Recognizes Dr. Jason Finch for participating in Academy research including the scientific programs at AAO and more than 50 successful eye surgeries.